The person of Jesus saves us the precepts of Jesus prosper us.

I was watching a television program called “Flash Point” and one of the speakers mentioned this phrase: “The person of Jesus saves us the precepts of Jesus prosper us” It got me thinking: isn’t that something. as my mind went through the bible and ponder about Jesus’ ministry and what was His purpose here on earth. The writer of the book of John under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit wrote that for God so loved the world and He gave His only son that whosoever believes will not perish but they shall have eternal life, and in the same book he wrote that Jesus came to give us abundant life. As I remembered that the word of God was given to prosper us as we see from different books of the bible like Deuteronomy, Joshuah, Psamls, and others, I also remembered the mission of Jesus which was to give whoever believes in Him an abundant life then that phrase “the person of Jesus saves us the precepts of Jesus prosper us” made sense.

Jesus cares about every aspect of our lives. Saving us from sin is His work, and your only part is to believe in what He has done at the cross for you. Giving you abundant life: this is where your part is more significant, Jesus’ part was to give you words to make that happen but it is for you to believe and practice for you to attain an abundant life. Many times when people preach about this scripture “having an abundant life” they tend to only talk about the life in heaven but fail to realize that the previous lines talk about the thief who comes to steal, kill, and destroy, we understand well it was referenced to talk about the spiritual life as well as life in the physical. Satan steals first your spiritual life so that he can mess up your life here on earth. If that is true then the interpretation should apply to the whole verse in the same way. Jesus gives you back your spiritual life as well as your life in the physical.

God Himself instructs us to meditate upon His words so that we become prosperous in this life.

Joshuah 1:8 “Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful” when you meditate upon the word of God and live according to it the end result is inevitably a prosperous life. Jesus when He was teaching His disciples told them the greatest in the kingdom of God is someone who hears His words puts them into practice and teaches others to do the same (Matthew 5: 19 “…but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the Kingdom of Heaven”. Throughout the bible especially in the gospels are verses talking about both your health and wealth. True prosperity comes from obeying the words of God.

How to live according to the word of God?

Image by the Pulse Nigeria

Sometimes, it sounds easier said than done, but the truth of the matter is there is no other choice but to do it if you want to obtain true peace and joy in this world. here’s the kicker; you are already living someone else’s words, so trying to live on the words of God is not something that you cannot achieve, a matter of fact you are built that way; to live on the words of God (Matthew 4: 4 “…It is written: ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.”. It actually takes a lot of training for someone to live on somebody else’s words than it will take you to train one to switch back to living on the words of God this is what the education system is all about. you can agree with me that the philosophy you have about life you got it from someone else, it is your family members, friends, school, and those whom you let speak into your life, their ideas form your philosophy. You can use the same efforts, practice, and patience regarding the word of God. Let the word of God inform every action you take. if you are just new to the faith, do not worry you can read the bible and find out what God said about your situation and live by that, you don’t have to complicate it, just as you read it and meditate upon it, then do what it says. don’t worry about how it will happen, God is the one who watches over His word to perform it (Jeremiah 1:12 “The Lord said to me, “You have seen correctly, for I am watching[b] to see that my word is fulfilled.”).

If you have not given your life to Jesus, it is not too late for you to do that. God’s arms are still open wide to receive whoever wants to come back to Him and enjoy the new life in His family. To receive Jesus Christ so that you can have the gift of eternal life in heaven and have an abundant life while here on earth, pray the prayer for salvation here

Shalom, Shalom

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