If you are not sure about your eternity, it is a fact that you need Jesus Christ. To receive the gift of salvation that comes by receiving Jesus Christ in your heart pray this prayer:
Dear God, I understand and confess before you that I am a sinner and I need Jesus Christ the savior.
I believe that you love me so much and for that reason, you gave your only son Jesus Christ to save me from sin by paying the price for my sins that separated me from you, He was crucified on the cross and died so that I would not die in sin but that I shall live and have eternal life. I believe that He rose again on the third day, ascended to heaven seated at the right hand of God the Father.
Jesus come into my heart and transform me into the person you want me to be. Fill me with your holy Spirit, from today I am yours, you are my Lord and savior.
If you prayed that prayer, and believed every bit of it, guess what! you have been born again!!! now you are a child of God. It is as if you have never sinned, all have become new. It is awesome, isn’t it? go ahead and tell the whole world that you are born again.
let us know by filling out this form. We want to pray for you. And we will send you a booklet to help you on this new journey you have started.