Real Christians stand with Israel
A house dived against itself can not stand Mark 3:25, Christians and Israel are one family.

Christians have developed a habit of listening too much to the world than to listen from God therefore they think like the world, and every action they take is informed by the world, let me remind you that the world where you are getting your way of thinking and living it has a god called satan, the evil one, your adversary whose mission is to kill, steal and destroy. 2Corinthians 4:4
A new moral standard has been carefully crafted to deceive the elect ones.
We live in a world where everyone has been conditioned to think that global organizations like the UN and others have your best interest at heart. But the reality is the opposite. satan has been masquerading as an angel of light so that he can be given a green light to roam around seeking whom he may devour, he knows that he can not come in his real image because people are not that stupid to not recognize, he carefully crafted a plan to rule over and against nations of the world without being noticed. he hides behind big-name organizations like the UN and the like. Jesus taught us that we will know them by their fruits. and the true colors of the UN are displayed in how they treat the people of God the Christians, and the nation of Israel. Did you know that the UN condemns Israel at a 150/1 ratio? no other country has been condemned by the UN like Israel.
Israel has the right to defend its citizens and territory
For far too long Israelis have been robbed of their land. After World War II, in 1946 League of Nations was planning to give Israelis their land back, the land which they inherited from their ancestors but evil people decided to work in the shadows and brought the UN on the scene to replace the League of Nations with the UN(United Nations) and from that moment Israel as a nation started to face threats to its existence once more. The UN went on to facilitate the formation of the nation of Israel but with little to nothing compared to their original land. therefore the UN facilitated the first robbery against Israel after World War II. Israelis accepted the deal because they did not have any other choice, back then Israel faced right away attacks from 5 Arab countries in an attempt to eliminate Israelis but thank God that they survived those wars.
The fight for its survival is nothing new, it goes way back in the times of the coming out of slavery from Egypt, Israel had to fight to take possession of its land given to them by God. Now if you think that Israel is wrong in fighting these wars because innocent people are being killed by the response then you have to rebuke the LORD God for helping them in the first place as recorded in the Old Testament that the LORD fought for Israel, King David by the Spirit of the LORD upon him took 5 stones and killed goliath, the LORD’s Spirit would come to Samson and kill thousands of philistines, the LORD would instruct king Saul to kill everyone on their way without exception, we can go on and on. if you struggle to understand that part of the Old Testament in your bible then ask the Holy Spirit to explain it to you. I am not advocating for the killing of innocent blood but what I am saying is that you can not allow yourself as a Christian to be held into the thinking of this world, they want you to think that Israel is murdering innocent lives because they understand if you don’t stand with Israel as one family of God then they might have a chance to eliminate it completely. they are being led by the same old spirit that wants to kill every man especially people of God. But you as a Christian should always stand for justice. and to this matter, the true justice is that Israel has the right to defend its land.
The UN through many organizations only voices out that Israel is killing innocent people and therefore should be stopped, and by definition they are right but by intent they are wrong, Israel has never wanted to kill innocent people but what can you expect from a war? it is vital to remember that Israel has no choice but to fight back otherwise it can no longer exist. terrorist groups hide themselves within the population to use them as a shield so what Israel should do? they even run a risky attack plan, IDF always warns the population to flee before they attack the terrorists, how could you say that Israel is killing people? what would you do if it was your own family facing threats of existence?

UN has never called the atrocities of Hamas, Hezbollah, and other terrorists who attack Israel to kill and carry hostages for plunder. that should tell you what actually UN was made for; to suppress the people of God. make no mistake, if they go after the nation of Israel like they do, how much more are they doing against Christians all around the world?
There is no hope outside the nation of Israel.
This title sounds provocative to your theology but I did it on purpose. figuratively and literally speaking. think about it, if it was not for the nation of Israel you couldn’t have been saved! that’s where God has commanded blessings to us all. my question to you is this: why do you think now that you have been saved Israel means nothing anymore? maybe you should revisit how God thinks as He showed us in the bible. God honors the beginnings as well as the end and anywhere in between. God Himself taught Israelis how to honor their roots by constantly reminding them that He is the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. there is nothing that God does for just a moment, everything from God is eternal. That’s why we honor what He established. The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, if you could always start by what God said concerning anything in the world you will never stumble.
When God created the nation of Israel was to bless other nations. That’s why you can not believe that you have any hope as a nation outside Israel, that’s where everything started and we need to learn to obey what God set for us for our benefit. It is like someone trying to be saved outside Christ’s sacrifice and justification. If God said nations will be blessed as they bless Israel and be cursed as they curse Israel then that’s how the system is set (read more about it here). It is like the tree in the Garden of Eden, God placed it there and told Adam if you eat on it you will surely die but if you keep yourself from eating on it you will live. Maybe you may like another arrangement than this, but you will have to create your own planet to establish your own laws! If you still belong in the [WHY CLUB] then ask God.
You are the salt of the earth and the light of the world
Christians have the power to turn things around regardless of what politicians do. Jesus is looking at you and I to see what we allow so that heaven can allow it to happen or what we bind so that heaven can bind it. Matthew 18:18-19. are you going to stand with God and His people or you will continue to play along with the lies from the enemy? Jesus is counting on you. always remember that silence and lack of action in the face of evil, it is allowing that evil to continue.
Shalom, Shalom.