Our mandate is to teach the Kingdom of God and about Jesus Christ. We share the truth of the word of God through preaching and teaching in church services, crusades, evangelistic campaigns, and small groups.
We have a television program called ” Growing in God’s Kingdom” We teach the most important yet basic things about the kingdom of God and how to grow in it and take our full responsibilities as children of the most high God. Galatians 4:1 ” As long as an heir is a child is no different from a slave, although he owns the whole estate.”
Our vision is to see Christians all around the world growing to full maturity and responsibility of the Kingdom of God and living the life that God provided for His sons and daughters through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.

To invite Us to come and share the word of God at your church, small groups, campaigns, crusades, meetings, etc. click on the button below.

Psalms 112:2-3.

When we look into the world; the leadership crisis we have in governments all over the globe, and the fear for the future among the young people; the need to awaken the next generation to the truths of God cannot be overlooked anymore.
Both the leadership crisis and the deteriorating state of our youth have been intricately crafted by sons of disobedience targeting young people through deceiving them to run after bread at any cost, the pursuit of fame, and the empty promise of becoming somebody in the world for this; mankind can do anything to get.
The word of God tells us that He has the best plan to give us the desires of our hearts. that plan includes personal and national success. We want to make it plain to young people to help them understand that God wants them to be successful at a personal and national level, to teach them biblical principles from God, and to show our young people the best plan for success that God has for everyone.

We have a television program called: “Life Is More” and a program we run in schools we call: “The Journey To My Desired Destiny” through which we help young people discover their glorious and glamorous destinies in God. 

To invite Us to come and speak to young people at your school, youth camps, meetings, etc. click on the button below.

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