Destinies of Nations are being decided.
This might offend your theology, but I only ask for two minutes of your time. After going through this, you can decide whether or not you want to continue.
Have you ever asked yourself, “Why did God create nations?” or “Why did God create the nation of Israel?” These are questions Christians must answer, not only Christians but also everyone living on the planet Earth.
Is the world under God’s control?
Christians need to understand something: Jesus is not controlling what happens on earth directly. However, if you allow Him, He will work through you to influence what happens. We live on a planet (earth) where two opposing worlds are trying to dominate. These two worlds are the kingdom of light, whose king is our Lord Jesus Christ, and the kingdom of darkness, whose ruler is the dragon, that old serpent—satan.
Before concluding which kingdom rules the earth, it’s important to understand what Jesus told us. He said to His disciples: “Go into the whole world and make disciples…” This statement reveals that there is already a kingdom in power, and you (Christians) must go and wage war against it—the kingdom of darkness. Until Christians actively fight against the kingdom of darkness, it will continue to rule over the earth. Also, note that Jesus said this after His resurrection (Jesus died in Matthew 27 and was resurrected in Matthew 28). This takes away the thoughts that have been preached saying that after Jesus’ death and resurrection, He is now in control over all things that happen on the earth.
In 2 Corinthians 4:4, the apostle Paul refers to the “god of this world” who blinds the minds of unbelievers. Unbelievers are blind, and if you are governed by unbelievers, you may end up being led into destruction because they cannot see—they are blind! satan managed to convince many Christians that Jesus is in control; with this, satan goes around and works through his people in the world to continue with evil works to destroy humanity while Christians sing “Jesus is in control”. this article is not to talk about this subject but think for yourself: if Jesus was in control why do wars and other horrible things keep happening in the world? we know that Jesus came so that we obtain life in abundance but satan (the thief) came to kill, steal, and destroy. Anything that kills, steals, and destroys is from the devil, not Jesus.
So, why did God create the Nation of Israel?
(It was to bless us all)
After the Spirit of God decided to withdraw from the earth because the hearts of men were constantly inclined to evil (Genesis 6:3), the LORD destroyed the inhabitants of the earth and started anew with Noah’s family. As people multiplied, they once again began to think in ways contrary to God’s will (Genesis 11). The LORD then confused their language, and as a result, nations were born. After that, God chose to create a particular and peculiar nation, starting with a man named Abram, later called Abraham. God made it clear why He created this nation, Israel. “Nations will be blessed through it (Israel),” and the formula is simple: the nations that bless Israel will be blessed by God, and those that curse Israel will be cursed by God and this is a caution to all nations of the world. How you treat Israel determines what will happen to you! Genesis 12:2-3 states: “And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great, and thou shalt be a blessing. And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.”
Now, I understand that many Christians today have developed their doctrine about God and His ways. The overemphasis of some parts of the epistles has blinded their eyes to the rest of the bible therefore they lack the balanced counsel of God. For some when they read this they automatically switch in their mind saying why Israel? that was in the Old Testament but now we live in the New Testament we all are children of God
. Sure, everyone who has been saved is a child of God, but this doesn’t mean that God will back on His word He gave to Abraham. instead of envying Israel, we should be part of it because that’s where God has placed His blessings for us all (Genesis 12:2-3). With that said you can choose to give head to this or to continue in your ignorance. But I want to remind you of what our Lord Jesus Christ said about the old and new testaments: “DO NOT THINK THAT I HAVE COME TO ABOLISH THE LAW OR PROPHETS; I HAVE NOT COME TO ABOLISH THEM BUT TO FULFILL THEM. I TELL YOU THE TRUTH, UNTIL HEAVEN AND EARTH DISAPPEAR, NOT THE SMALLEST LETTER, NOT THE LEAST STROKE OF A PEN, WILL BY ANY MEANS DISAPPEAR FROM THE LAW UNTIL EVERYTHING IS ACCOMPLISHED” Mattew 5:17-18. Psalms 119: 89, Isaiah 40:8, Mattew 24:35, and others clearly say that the word of God is eternal, and never changes.
In recent days, particularly since a terrorist organization called Hamas attacked the nation of Israel on October 7, 2023, nations have been weighed in the balance before the LORD. Has Israel in response to the attack killed innocent blood in Gaza? sure, without a doubt. should Israel have done otherwise? I believe they didn’t have any choice. If it was you under attacks of terrorists I am sure you’d want to defend yourself. in the case of Israel defending itself means they have to eliminate terrorists otherwise it will be Israel to be eliminated by them. Now about the innocent blood, I wish we were still in the old times where kingdoms would go meet in the valley to resolve their conflicts but unfortunately, it is not the case here, Israel is fighting with terrorists
who are using humans as their shield for these terrorists are hiding among people so if it were you what would you have done? it is always easy when it is not you as they say!
On September 27, 2024, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (Bibi Netanyahu, the prophet.) stood before the nations of the world and offered them a choice but nations once again turned their back on Israel.

He said, “There are blessings and curses, so you choose.” Sound familiar? Yes, Deuteronomy 30:19: “I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live.”
As Netanyahu entered the podium many of UN countries’ delegates chose to exit the room to show defiance to what Netanyahu was about to say. It is as if they were told by someone not to listen to him. The way they voted on behalf of their countries/nations against Israel condemning Israel for self-defense actions taken against Hamas and Hezbollah. hypocritical refusing to condemn those terrorist organizations for murdering Israeli and American civilians in their attacks against Israel. Now nations are deciding their fate by how they are voting concerning Israel’s case against terrorists. And God will fulfill His word. He established the nation of Israel forever and that’s what will remain but nations that will be against Israel will reap the curse.

Nations should be careful about how they vote on any matter concerning the nation of Israel. Your vote decides your future as a nation. Zachariah 2:8.
The good news
The good news is that if you are a Christian, you can choose for your household who you will serve. Those who oppose Israel are under a satanic spirit influencing them to cause harm to Israel, but still, if you stand with what God commends us and pray for peace and protection over Israel then the curse that may come upon your nation will not be upon your household (Psaml 91:7). Some may say how? well, it will not be the first time, in Egypt back in the days of pharaoh and Moses, the LORD sent 10 plagues into the land of Egypt but none of those plague touched a single Israelite who lived in Egypt. God has His ways when you obey His word, then He watches over it to fulfill it.
I would encourage you to do this: pray for your country that the wrong choice made in ignorance will be forgiven and that the harvest that might come to your nation to be removed by God’s mercies that endure forever. I believe that if people who are called by the name of God humble themselves and pray concerning their nations, God will hear from heaven and heal their lands.
Shalom, Shalom.